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Blood Pressure Monitoring (24-hr)

What is Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring


Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring is a test where your blood pressure and heart rate are taken at a fixed time interval for 24 hours while you carry on with your daily activities.


It is particularly useful for patients with high blood pressure as it helps your doctor determine if your blood pressure medications are effective. It is also used to monitor borderline hypertension, young hypertension and poor blood pressure control. This 24-hour monitoring allows the doctor to study the variations of your blood pressure throughout the day.


Preparations before the test


· Take a bath and wear loose fitting clothing before coming for the appointment.
· No fasting is required.
· No admission is required.
· You may continue with your current medication. 
· You will need to return the device the next day.


How is the test done


The medical technologist will first take your height and weight to determine your body mass index (BMI). Blood pressure will also be measured on both left and right arm to determine which arm has a higher blood pressure. Thereafter, you will proceed to a private room to have the actual portable blood pressure machine fixed onto your arm. 

The medical technologist will measure the length and circumference of your arm to provide you with the correct blood pressure cuff for the portable blood pressure machine. The staff will then proceed to measure three manual blood pressures and after recording all the three readings, the machine is calibrated for your use. During daytime, the machine is programmed to measure your blood pressure every 20 minutes of the hour. The frequency of measuring will be reduced to every 30 minutes of the hour after 10pm. You are also required to note down the time you go to bed and the time you wake up in the diary provided to you.

During this period, you can continue with your normal daily activities. However, you must not remove the blood pressure cuff. You are also advised not to shower during the recording period. To ensure accuracy of the recorded results, you are advised also not to bend your arm when the device is taking your blood pressure. If the recordings are insufficient (less than 50%), you will need to repeat the test.

Blood Pressure Monitoring (24-hr)

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