Pre-Departure COVID-19 Tests
• PCR Swab • Blood Serology

Pacific Medical Clinic & Precious Medical Centre are wholly owned subsidiaries of Precious Specialist Centre Pte Ltd. This service is provided in collaboration with iGene Laboratory and Parkway Laboratory Services
What to expect
Present yourself at our clinic 48 - 72 hours before departure (Different countries different rules).
Note that different countries have different requirements for its citizens and these may change from time to time.
You are responsible to ensure that your passport and all travel documentations are in order.
Pre-Departure Test (PCR) fee for All Countries excluding China is $200 (GST included).
With effect from 1 November 2021, additional conditions for Pre-Departure to China Required:
China requires PCR + Serology to be done only at selected centres only (Cannot do at Precious)
中国要求仅在特定的诊所进行 PCR + 血清学检查(不能在 Precious 进行) -
China requires a 2nd PCR on same day at a different clinic (available at Precious for $200 GST included)
中国同时要求在同一天在不同的诊所进行第二次 PCR(Precious 提供, $200 包含GST)
Required Documents:
Identity card and passport (for travellers)
Soft copy booking reference showing your departure flight timing
You will receive your results between 24 hours - 36 hours after the test via email.
您将在测试后 24 小时至 36 小时之间通过电子邮件收到结果
You will need to submit the test results online to the airline/ embassy
You may also wish to print a hard copy and bring the memo overseas (advisable)
Covid-19 Travel Swab Info
Our clinic is authorised to conduct pre-departure tests for Covid-19 including PCR swabs and blood serology/ antibody tests. 本诊所被列为卫生部所批准的可以进行离境前新冠测试的诊所之一,这包括Covid-19新冠PCR测试 和血清抗体检测。
Please ensure enough time before your flight to avoid unnecessary stress or delay.. 您应该根据入境地测试有效时段进行预约,避免带来不必要的延误。
Cost 费用
Pre-departure PCR Swab test $200
(If urgent result in 8 hrs required) $380
如在8个小时内必须拿到测试结果 -
Fit for travel memo from Doctor $ 30
All prices are inclusive of GST. 全部费用包含消费税
You will receive an email and a notarised digital certificate/ QR code 24-36 hours after the test. 通常诊所会在测试的24至36小时内通过电子邮件发公证的数字证书/QR码的形式返回结果。
Submission to the airline or embassy (as required) remains your sole responsibility. 你必须自己出示出发前 Covid-19 检测证明给航空公司或大使馆查验。
For enquiries please email 想要了解更多/质询,请发送电子邮件至: enquiry@preciousmed.com