Precious Surgery Centre for Endoscopy
We are a certified Day Surgical Centre in Singapore with two lead-lined operating theatres and an endoscopy suite. We also have a dedicated GA/ IV sedation operating theatre for General and Paediatric Dentistry, fully equipped with a dental chair and intraoral X-rays. Our operating theatres are positive pressure rooms equipped with HEPA air filtration and with more than 20 air exchange cycles per hour to ensure clean air. In addition, we have installed UVc (ultraviolet-C radiation) within our air-conditioning ducts to disinfect the air, and have also coated all surfaces with a quaternary ammonium compound disinfectant.
We are an independent provider of surgical facilities and our centre is open for use by all accredited medical specialists. Our nurses are trained to support a wide range of surgical procedures including endoscopy, orthopaedics, urology, eye, ENT and plastic surgery. We also have nurses specifically trained to assist in anaesthesia and recovery to ensure patient safety and optimal care. Precious Surgery Centre offers a private and welcoming atmosphere for your patient. We are committed to ensuring their comfort and well-being while paying close heed to high standards of infection control and sterility.
Dedicated GA/ IV sedation operating theatre for General and Paediatric Dentistry,
Precious Surgery Centre offers a private and welcoming atmosphere for patient.
Our nurses are trained to support a wide range of surgical procedures
Our priority is our patients' safety and optimal care after every procedure
Our operating theatres have Hepa-Air filters with more than 20 air exchange cycles/hour
We are MediSave accredited by the Ministry of Health (MOH), Singapore.
For Patients
Day surgery is an efficient, convenient and cost-effective alternative to hospitalisation, which allows patients to return home on the same day. We provide surgeons and patients convenient, spacious and modern facilities for day surgeries and outpatient procedures. Our centre offers a sterile environment for surgery as well as a private and welcoming atmosphere for patient comfort.
General Surgery Operating Theatres
Our two operating theatres and endoscopy room are available for a wide range of procedures in various subspecialties under general anaesthesia or intravenous sedation. Available surgical modalities include:
ENT Surgery
Eye Surgery
General Surgery
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Oral & Dental Surgery
Plastic Surgery
Pain Management
For enquiries / appointment from our Accredited Doctors, please contact +65 9437 9529 for further assistance
Dr Adrian Siew Ming Saurajen
Dr Tan Nam Guan
Dr Lai Wai Kwan
Dr. John Hsiang Chen
Dr. Kenneth Koo Yih Meng
Dr. Benjamin Yip Cherng Hann
Dr Lim Teck Hock Dennis
Dr Peter Goh Min Yih
Dr Tan Choon Heng John
Dr Wong Nan Yaw
Dr. Tan Chuan Chien
Dr Chee Kin Ghee
Dr Jonathan Lee
Dr Lewis Lee
Dr Noah Teo
Dr Stephanie Salanitri
Dr William Chong
Dr Chan Ying Ho Henry
Dr Kanwaljit Kaur
Dr Tan Sok Chuen
Dr Tony Setiobudi
Dr Yeo Khee Quan
Dr Yung Wai Yin Ambrose
Dr Yung Shing Wai
Dr Kenneth Sheah
Dr Tan Hsien Liang Terence
Dr Khoo Kian Ming Andrew
Dr Leo Kah Woon
Dr Yeow Kok Leng Vincent
Michael Wong Yuet Chen

Endoscopy is a procedure in which a thin flexible instrument with an attached mini-video camera (an endoscope) is used to visualise the insides of your digestive system. The specialist will first help you relax by giving you some medication through an injection in the arm before insertion the scope either through your mouth or anus. You will be comfortable as you will be sedated throughout the entire procedure.
Purpose of Endoscopy
Having a clear view will enable the specialist to decide if further treatment is necessary. At the same time a sample of tissue can be taken for examination (a biopsy) and small lumps called polyps can also be removed, if necessary, at the same seating.
Gastroscopy involves the use of a thin fibre-optic scope to examine the food pipe, stomach and the first segment of the small intestine for ulcers and inflammations. The procedure is painless as you will be sedated. More importantly, it can also detect the presence of Helicobacter pylori, a bacteria known to increase the risk of stomach cancer without showing any symptoms. If the bacteria is detected, it can be eradicated with a course of antibiotics.
Colonoscopy uses a thin fibreoptic scope to examine the entire large intestine. There is no pain or discomfort as you will be sedated. Screening for colon cancer is recommended at the age of 50 or even earlier, if you have a family history of colorectal cancer. It is safe and accurate, and can at the same time remove suspicious polyps for biopsy unlike alternatives like CT scans or stool occult blood tests. Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy are commonly done together as a day procedure without the need for hospitalisation. Both are Medisave claimable and are covered by most medical insurances. Financial counselling will be provided during consultation.
Endoscopy Procedure
Endoscopy Pre-Surgery
Most procedures require fasting for 6-8 hours but you may drink water until 2 hours before surgery. Do follow your doctor’s advice regarding your regular medication.
During Admission
Our staff will assist you to register and confirm your medical history.
They will provide financial counselling and assist with Medisave/insurance claims.
You may then proceed to the change area to prepare for the procedure.
Feel free to ask our friendly medical staff if you have any further questions.
Endoscopy Post-Surgery
After the surgery, our nurses will monitor and assist you until you are ready to be discharged. Please ensure that you have someone to accompany you home.
Home Recovery
Avoid driving, cycling, operating machinery, signing legal documents or making important personal or business decisions in the first 24 hours.
Rest and take medications as instructed and avoid alcohol.
Contact your Doctor's Clinic if you feel pain or discomfort, or if you have unusual bleeding or an allergic reaction to the medications.