COVID-19 Related Services
新型冠状病毒 相关项目
COVID-19 Services
Singapore has had an active National COVID-19 immunisation programme. As of 30 September 2021, more than 82% of our population has been vaccinated with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, both of which employ the m-RNA technology. With effect from 4 June 2021, the Sinovac-CoronaVac (Sinovac) COVID-19 vaccine was also approved for use by the Ministry of Health under the Special Access Route (SAR) scheme. More recently, Sinopharm has also been included. So far more than 190,000 Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines have been administered. These 2 vaccines use an inactivated virus, which is the traditional method of vaccines. The use is restricted to patients 18 years and above.
Pacific Medical Clinic and Precious Medical Centre are wholly owned by Precious Specialist Centre Pte Ltd. We are pleased to announce that we will be providing the following COVID-19 related tests and services:
Vaccination (Sinovac) for 18 yrs and above - 科兴疫苗只限于18岁和以上
Pre-Departure Tests 离境前核酸检测 (Note - China has specific entry requirements) (飞往中国的旅客必须符合特定要求
Pre-Event Tests (PET) 非旅客/活动前
PCR & ART Swab Tests for non-travellers 活动前检测,核算检测/抗原检测
Serology (Antibody) Blood tests (Optional) 血清测试
Both Pacific and Precious Medical clinics have been approved as Public Health Preparedness Clinics (PHPC) and provide COVID-19 testing as part of the Swab-and-send-home (SASH) initiative. We are located on the entire level 12 of Paragon Medical. While vaccinations are safe, and while swabbing for COVID-19 is a routine procedure, your safety is our concern. You may wish to know that.
Precious Medical Centre is co-located with Precious Surgery Centre, an accredited day surgery centre with piped-in oxygen and recovery/ resuscitation facilities for patients who need closer monitoring. In addition, we have modified our swab and vaccination rooms to include HEPA air filtration with additional Ultraviolet-C lamps to disinfect air entering and leaving the room. We have also modified the ventilation system to ensure that these rooms have negative pressure and are connected directly to the external of the building so that viruses are not discharged to the rest of the centre. The air exchange rate of 15 cycles per hour ensure fresh air every 4 minutes for safety of all patients.