Sinovac Vaccine
Precious Medical will be providing Sinovac as part of the National Immunisation Programme effective 21 Dec 2021
Under the National Vaccination Programme, eligible patients will be able to receive free Sinovac vaccines at our clinic. If you need assistance, call 6708 8000 (Precious) or 6995 9299 (MOH Hotline)
Those who *do not qualify for free vaccines but prefer non-mRNA vaccines have may go to:
Clinics which continue to provide Sinovac on a private basis.
Clinics which provide Sinopharm (e.g. Pacific Medical Clinic @ Paragon #12-01)
To see the list of clinics, kindly visit vaccine.gov.sg
* Patients who take Sinovac out of choice with no medical exemption from mRNA vaccines
Those who qualify for free Sinovac vaccines and have paid in advance on or after 23 October 2021 at Precious Medical but have not yet been vaccinated will be reimbursed.
Sinovac COVID-19 Vaccine
The Sinovac vaccine uses an inactivated COVID-19 virus to teach your body's immune system to make antibodies against the actual COVID-19 virus. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has validated Sinovac for emergency use in persons aged 18 and above as the known benefits outweigh the possible risks. While there is insufficient data to assess its safety in pregnant women, WHO concluded that as the vaccine is an inactivated vaccine similar to others used in pregnancy, its use is recommended when benefits outweigh the risks. Pregnant women, especially those aged 35 and above or who have medical conditions are at higher risk of developing severe COVID-19. Its use in breastfeeding mothers is also recommended on a similar basis.
Serology are blood tests which check the response of our body's immune system to the vaccine. While the routine use of blood tests is not essential before vaccinations, these tests do provide us a snapshot of our response to the vaccine and are available for those who wish to do so. These include:
Anti-S: a numeric count of all binding antibodies against the "Spike" or "S" antigen found on the virus.
cPass™: tests for presence of neutralizing antibodies against the specific section of the "S" antigen that penetrates cells.
Anti-N: tests for antibodies against a different part of the virus which may be induced after natural infection or inoculation with inactivated vaccine.
* Besides an antibody response, our body also has other methods of protecting itself against viruses. Antibody tests do not equate to protection.
** mRNA vaccines target only the S antigen and anti-N tests in these patients will be negative whereas some patients using inactivated vaccines
may get a positive response to the anti-N test.
What to expect
No alcohol 24 hours before visit 接种疫苗前一天不要饮酒
Light meal 3 hours before appointment time 预约时间3个小时前吃清淡⻝品,不建议空腹
Vaccination by certified nurse 由专业护士接种疫苗
Remain for 30 minutes observation 必须在诊所逗留观察30分钟
Confirm date of next appointment 预约第二剂疫苗的日期和时间
For individuals 18 years and above only 科兴疫苗只限于18岁以上
Please declare your medical history and if you have any allergies 请如实申报病史及任何过敏症
Please disclose vaccination status 请如实申报之前接受过的任何冠状病毒接种疫苗
* Prices include GST, Not Medisave Claimable, Not covered by Vaccine Injury Financial Assistance Programme (COVID-19) * 价格含消费税, 不能向医疗储蓄保险索赔, 也不能通过疫苗致伤援助计划索赔
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